Preston Sketch Design
A combined dwelling and landscape design in Preston, VIC. Responding to a need to provide home-grown produce, and featuring strategically placed washstations, the aim for this house is to be a healthy home. It features strawbale walls, composting toilets, chook-run, and an orchard.

Both the Heidelberg and Preston sites have the 50′ frontage that is common throughout Melbourne’s middle ring suburbs, and these designs would sit comfortably in any of those suburbs, depending on the slope and site specific planning restrictions – contact us for more details.
Heidelberg Sketch Design
Naturally heated and cooled house in Heidelberg West using passive solar principles and the natural cooling stack (or chimney) effect. Air is drawn through the building via a garden area to the south and exits via clerestory windows located high in the cathedral ceiling.

To find out more about permaculture, the following organisations are a great place to start investigating permaculture and sustainability