Apr 3, 2023 | Residential, House, Projects
Works are progressing at Wyndham on the strawbale house. Here we have Jeff’s rammed earth wall that will feature in the entry hall. An example of thermal mass that will assist in balancing the internal temperatures of the house. Also see below the brick arch...
Nov 9, 2020 | House, Projects, Recycling, Residential
Works have commenced on site for the construction of the strawbale house and outbuildings. Here we have the frame of the outhouse complete with its recycled window. Despite not being built to the latest technological window standards, using recycled windows in...
Oct 26, 2020 | Design, Garden, Permaculture, Projects
Wicking beds are a fantastic solution to provide a healthy soil for growing annual vegetables or plants that become stressed in Victoria’s hot summers. They reduce evaporation by watering from beneath, and encourage roots to head deeper. A criticism is however...
Oct 8, 2020 | Design, Landscape, Materials, Projects
Some materials will allow natural curves to form and can be used sculpturally to create features within a garden design. Here we have a wire trellis fixed to the planter below and allowed to form a natural arch, which the beans are using to great effect with the...